
Posts Tagged ‘host desecration’

The End of A Cracker

Posted by tungtide on July 24, 2008, 1:15 pm

It’s over and done with. I hadn’t initially planned to post again about the whole PZ Myers and the Eucharist issue, but he made a couple of important points in the process. He has indeed “defiled” a blessed communion wafer, as well as the Koran, and a copy of The God Delusion.

What caught my attention was that he’s been able to remain objective on the issue despite death threats, threats against his family, calls for his job, and a general attempt to defame him.

By the way, I didn’t want to single out just the cracker, so I nailed it to a few ripped-out pages from the Qur’an and The God Delusion. They are just paper. Nothing must be held sacred. Question everything. God is not great, Jesus is not your lord, you are not disciples of any charismatic prophet. You are all human beings who must make your way through your life by thinking and learning, and you have the job of advancing humanities’ knowledge by winnowing out the errors of past generations and finding deeper understanding of reality. You will not find wisdom in rituals and sacraments and dogma, which build only self-satisfied ignorance, but you can find truth by looking at your world with fresh eyes and a questioning mind.

I couldn’t have said it better if I tried.

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